
We do our best to ensure that GalaCon is an unforgettable experience for anyone. If you have any problems, need help or need advice, please feel free to ask in advance via e-mail or ask any staff or volunteer at the venue.

  • Handicapped persons in need of an assistance can bring one assisting person to GalaCon free of charge. Valid handicapped-ID as proof is needed at the box office at the convention. The assisting person does not have to register in advance, just come to the reception together.
  • All rooms and areas are accessible. There are elevators between the overall 3 floors. Please feel free to ask any volunteer or consult the convention map for directions.
  • The waiting queue for the signing session leads over a stairway. Therefore, handicapped persons can skip the line if necessary. Please ask any volunteer at the signing session for help.
  • There are reserved seats for handicapped persons (especially wheelchair users). Please ask the volunteers at the entrances for directions.